Check Yourself - questions(UNIT-I)

1. List down the characteristics of  agent?
2. What do you mean by local maxima with respect to search technique?
3 .What is a rational agent?
4. State the significance of using Heuristic Function.
5. What are the control strategies?
6. Differentiate Breadth First and Depth First Search
7. Why we need to define a problem as state space search?
8 .List out the types of Production systems
9.What is the heuristic function for A* algorithm
10. What is heuristic function

University questions
1.Explain in detail the structure of intelligent agent    (apr/may 2016)
2.Write the production rules for Water Jug Problem.Consider two jugs a 5-gallon and 3-gallon one.Neither has any measuring markers on it.There is a pump that can be used to fill the jugs with water.How can you get exactly  4-gallon of water into the 5-gallon jug (apr/may 2016) 
3.Explain A* search algorithm with your own example. (nov/dec 2011)  


4.Explain Hill climbing algorithm(apr/may 2016)

5.Explain vaccum cleaner and tic tac toe with state space diagram. 

vaccumcleaner -

Tic tac toe -